Kotlin range to list
Kotlin range to list

Kotlin List.all() Function – Syntax & Examples.How to replace an Element at Specific Index in Kotlin List?.How to remove Element at Specific Index from List in Kotlin?.How to read file content as a list of lines in Kotlin – Kotlin Example.

kotlin range to list

  • How to define a List of Strings in Kotlin?.
  • How to define a List of Lists in Kotlin?.
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  • kotlin range to list

    How to Remove specific Element from List in Kotlin?.How to Remove all Elements from a List in Kotlin?.How to Remove All Occurrences of Element from Kotlin List?.How to Iterate over List of Lists in Kotlin?.How to Iterate over Elements of List using For Loop in Kotlin?.How to Filter only Strings from a Kotlin List?.How to Filter only Non-Empty Strings of Kotlin List?.How to Filter only Integers from a Kotlin List?.How to Filter Odd Numbers of a Kotlin List?.How to Filter List of Strings based on Length in Kotlin?.How to Filter Even Numbers of a Kotlin List?.How to Filter Elements of a List based on Condition in Kotlin?.In this Kotlin Tutorial, we learned how to find the sublist of a given list based on index range, using Kotlin List.subList() function. Output Exception in thread "main" : toIndex = 10Īt java.base/(Īt java.base/(Īt HelloWorldKt.main(HelloWorld.kt:5) Conclusion In this example, we will try to provide toIndex argument with a value such that this index is out of range for the given list. Example 2: List.subList() – fromIndex/toIndex out of Range

    kotlin range to list

    So the elements with index 2, 3 and 4 are considered for the return value. Since fromIndex is 2, starting index will be 2 and since the toIndex is 5, ending index would be 4. Val result = list1.subList(fromIndex, toIndex) In this example, we will take a list of string elements, and find the sub list of this list using List.subList() function. List.subList() function returns a new list with the elements selected from the index range specified by fromIndex and toIndex. The index until which elements of this list will be considered in the result. The index from which elements of this list will be considered in the result. The syntax of List.subList() function is subList(fromIndex, toIndex) Parameter

    Kotlin range to list