Playonline viewer windows 10 slow
Playonline viewer windows 10 slow

playonline viewer windows 10 slow

More is better (and gives you some room for graphics enhancements) less is usually considered unplayable for dynamic games such as shooters. Switch on an FPS indicator if it’s supported by the game settings, and fine-tune settings until you can consistently squeeze 30–60 frames per second out of your system. Focus on reducing eye candy while maintaining things such as viewing distance that help you win. Setting a lower detail level or reducing resolution in the game settings can help a lot. If your game is too resource-hungry and your graphics card cannot provide enough processing power, the gaming experience could be frustrating. We will cover all that in a separate article one day, but for now let’s switch to software issues and tweaks. A delay in hundreds of millisecond might be a real obstacle to winning a battle royale.įixing this issue might involve experimenting with your router’s Wi-Fi settings, moving it closer to your gaming computer, switching to a wired connection between computer and router (keep in mind that pro players use wired connections only) or even changing your Internet provider. Modern fiber optic channels typically get you a 5–50 ms ping, which is fine for most games. Make sure that Internet speed is adequate (most games will do fine with 10 Mbit/s, but video streaming the whole thing requires 50–100 Mbit/s) and a really small delay (aka ping). Open your Web browser and navigate to a comprehensive speed testing service such as or. Make sure your Internet has stable speed and latency (signal delay). These seven tips will help you minimize performance-related defeats. In this post we focus on the software-related problems and solutions that are most common for modern gamers. The good news is that you can prevent this mishap in the vast majority of cases. Losing a multiplayer match because your computer suddenly froze for 50 milliseconds can be bitter. KasperskyPremium Support and Professional Services.KasperskyEndpoint Security for Business Advanced.KasperskyEndpoint Security for Business Select.

Playonline viewer windows 10 slow